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1.) How do I choose a product, or know what product I'm choosing?
This Webshop is meant to be used as the final checkout to purchase products found on the Mr Thompson's Ties & Squares website. Our Bespoke bowties, for example, require a great deal of input from the client before they can be made. This Webshop is a quick and easy way to purchase items within each category -- but it is strongly suggested that prospective clients look over the TT&S website for a thorough overview of all the specific items offered first; and accompanying emails are de rigeur for Bespoke ties and other specialty purchases. TT&S will of course be happy to personally answer any specific questions you may have through email.
2.) I don't have a Flash-compatible computer, or the homepage doesn't load on my system. Where can I see your product descriptions?
Try the Mr Thompson's Ties & Squares Facebook Page first, as there are duplicate images of the products there. And again, you can always email us with any questions.
3.) I need a replacement package or Certificate.
As one of my valued clients, we will have your serial-numbered items on file. If you need any of your original Certificates replaced, or a replacement for any original packaging items, (tins, boxes, sleeves, etc.) we will be happy to send whatever you need out to you. A small S&H charge may us with your needs.
4.) I am giving a TT&S product as a gift. Can I have a Certificate especially made in his/her name?
Yes! Just mention to us in an email what name you would like, and your item will be sent with the serial-numbered Certificate of Authenticity made out specifically to that person. If you are a TT&S client giving an item as a gift that you had previously purchased, we can supply personalized Certificates in that instance as well. Again, a small S&H charge may apply.
5.) Is a PayPal account required to purchase from this store?
No, you are not required to have a personal PayPal account at all. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, or regular bank accounts for payment, but all payments are made through PayPal as a "third party." If you're not familiar with using Paypal, you will be directed to the their site at checkout, and they will step you easily through the payment process. Paypal has been proven over the years as a very safe and secure system of funds transfer over the Internet. If you already have a PayPal account, of course, you may use it.
6.) Is this a secure store?
Since we do use PayPal for payments, your confidential information is automatically encripted in transit from your computer to ours, using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL) with an encryption key length of 128-bits (the highest level commercially available). Also, we don't give out any of your information to anyone else, and we don't clog your inbox with mass mailings. If you get a message from Mr Thompson's Ties & Squares, it's because Mr. Thompson personally typed and sent it just to you. That's how we roll here.
7.) I'm not comfortable giving out personal or financial information online. Is there an alternate way to order?
We understand completely, and can always do business with you off-site. We will be happy to have you as a valued client with your money order, personal check, Federal Reserve notes, currency, cash, bullion, barter, or trade. Just Email me with your order instead of using the Webshop, and we'll work from there!